Deitra Crew


I started Deitra in 2008, blogging about local musicians in the greater Ozarks area. The first print issue of Deitra Magazine was published in December 2011, and I have since published 13 more, each issue evolving into something greater than the former. I grew up in a family of musicians, so I have a background in singing, piano and I can rock a mean saxophone. My first true love was creative and journalistic writing, but I have grown to love every aspect of what I do at the magazine, including graphic design, concept creation and photo shoot direction, fashion design and event production, among other creative endeavors. Above all, I love managing my team, which has bloomed into a creative force greater than I could have ever dreamed! I am grateful that these people want to follow me into my ultimate vision.

WHAT DEITRA MEANS TO ME: Deitra Magazine is my baby, my brainchild, my every waking thought, my blood, sweat and tears. Deitra is every part of me that I ever wanted to express, and my vision has always been to let it be the same platform for other creatives.

FUNNIEST DEITRA MOMENT: Quite possibly when a girl tried to stage dive at a Deitra fashion show. Randall Shreve and the DeVille's were performing during the after party, and she dove right off the end of the runway and nobody caught her. Thankfully, after she hit the floor, she popped right back up!

PERSONAL STYLE: I love all things black! You'll often see me in a black pencil skirt paired with a band tee, a classic little black dress, or black skinny jeans paired with a black blazer. I think it's ultra cool, although I can't find anything in my closet!

CREATIVE RITUAL: I have to have my work space clean and orderly or else I can't think straight. I love to have a giant calendar on one wall in my office. I have notes, lists and post-its everywhere with my to-do's and ideas, but they are orderly. One thing that gets me into the creative mood is to listen to independent music. It's a big part of my job, because I'm always interviewing bands and musicians, and it always gets my creative juices flowing. Sometimes it helps to put on some red lipstick, too!

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Hey, I’m Kristen Lentz, the beauty director for the magazine. I’ve been a stylist for more than nine years and a Sexy Hair educator for seven of those years. I absolutely love everything this industry has had to offer me. Being a part of things both on the national and local fronts keeps me on my toes in fashion and trends to help provide fun things for you, the readers.

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I grew up in Rogersville, and then went on to college at OTC for a couple of years. After that, I graduated and went on to College of the Ozarks, where I graduated with my Bachelor’s in Theatre in the fall of 2009. When it comes to creative paths, the ones I’ve gone down were a mix of theatre and photography. While it’s been a while since I’ve been onstage, I’ve been in three different productions at the Gillioz Theatre through OTC, as well as small stage parodies in downtown Springfield. As for photography, my initial interest was snapping photos of downtown Springfield as a means of historical documentation (I’m a Springfield history nut). Over time, I eventually branched out of shooting architecture to bands at the Deitra Nights at the former Highlife Martini Lounge, and then moved on to people.

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My name is Coryn Clark. I love makeup, I love creating beauty and I love people. My creative career brings all three of my favorite things together to make magic.  

WHAT DEITRA MEANS TO ME: Deitra Magazine means the world to me. I can show the world my talent and what I can do with the best people. My goals and aspirations with the magazine are to try and make the world a prettier place. The Deitra team is a mix of some of the most amazing people. When we all get together and our creativity combines, really amazing things happen.

FUNNIEST DEITRA MOMENT: There is never a dull moment in Deitra, and I couldn’t possibly pick one single moment.  

CREATIVE RITUAL: My creative ritual is to just not think too much about it because for me when I overthink, my ideas start to get cloudy. I just like to go in with a little inspiration and work hard.

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I feel that I am a lady of many talents. I like to try different things that will expand my knowledge and help me advance to other levels of awesomeness. I’m hoping that my work with Deitra will help me achieve my dreams of becoming a master of my many crafts, and I think I’m on the right path.

WHAT DEITRA MEANS TO ME: Deitra is in the upper echelon of local arts, culture and music publications. It is the home for my creative outlets and without it, I may not be where I am today.

CREATIVE RITUAL: I don’t really have a creative ritual, nor do I really plan my photo shoots. Whenever I try to make plans or have elaborate ideas, they usually fall apart. I go into my photo shoots with no plans or ideas and that’s when my best work happens.

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I’ve worked variously as a writer, photographer and designer since 2009, when I landed my first journalism job despite being hilariously unqualified for it. Whether through divine intervention or sick, cosmic joke, I was able to parlay that into a host of other work ranging from photographing college sports to co-writing books with tech CEOs. I’d tell you the secret to my success, but the truth is there isn’t one — I just throw myself at anything that piques my curiosity and figure out the rest when I get there.

WHAT DEITRA MEANS TO ME: A community of creative people who use art to transcend the mundane routine of day-to-day existence.

FUNNIEST DEITRA MOMENT: Taking a runway photo in which I accidentally caught a male attendee staring wide-eyed and slack-jawed at a model’s derrière.

PERSONAL STYLE: Dressing well is important to me for a whole host of reasons, not the least of which is that it’s a great way to nonverbally convey respect for the people who grace me with their company. When I find myself in less hospitable surroundings, I value a good suit the way a medieval knight might have valued his armor — it shields me from the rhetorical fray and keeps the unwashed assholes off balance.

CREATIVE RITUAL: I usually caffeinate until I feel like Bradley Cooper after he took all those pills in Limitless, then let fate take me where it will.

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